Well you don’t telephone yourself do you?
‘May I take your number?’
‘Ummmm….. errrrrr….. can you hold on a a minute while I look it up?’
‘Yes of course……’
This is a regular conversation we have with a lot of callers, however it struck me when trying to reach a potential client, that calling your own business might not be such a bad idea. In fact I think that whatever size your business you ought to call and see what the experience is like for those trying to telephone you. If you are a small business or one man band – perhaps get a friend or colleague to call in and give you some honest feedback. I would encourage you to do this especially if you have an automated system or an auto attendant.
It is worth checking that the buttons you have to press take you through to the right person or department they want to speak to.
How long does it take to actually be able to speak to someone?
When you do get to speak to a real person are you greeted as you would expect?
We think it is common sense to at least get an idea of the experience people who call your business get. To make sure it is inline with your branding and marketing.
The Answerettes were thrilled to hear from one of our Accounting clients that her staff are trained how to answer the office phone by calling us and listening to how we do it. We also had a confession from a returning client who had been calling us incognito for a little while listening to how we take calls and wished he could do the job as well as we do!
So try calling your business and see what the experience is like. If you want to compare please feel free call ours, we are on 01954 253770. Don’t forget we offer a free trial!