01954 253770 info@answer-it.co.uk
Setting The Bar

Setting The Bar

Customer Expectation and Managing Customer Expectation It sounds like a very impressive and trendy new business buzzword or phrase doesn’t it.  In fact it isn’t anything new, but comes down to communication and common sense.  Let me explain…..  Part 1 – Customer...
“I’m Free”

“I’m Free”

How available are you?  In the words of John Inman in ‘Are you being served,’ can you say with confidence ‘I’m Free?’  Of course it is always a great thing to be available to speak to your prospects or clients.  While you may be able to talk to them...
It’s all in the “ist”

It’s all in the “ist”

Call a Specialist! If you were sick and something was seriously wrong you would more than likely be referred to a ‘Specialist.’ Someone who is an expert in their field, whatever that may be.  Perhaps a dermatologist or oncologist you may need to have an x-ray in which...
More Than Just Taking a Message.

More Than Just Taking a Message.

I often attend networking meetings where my clients speak about the Answer-it service to other people (usually when introducing me to someone.)  I quite often hear them say ‘they do more than just taking a message.’  Being on the inside it has made me stop and think...