01954 253770 info@answer-it.co.uk

I would hazard a guess that not too many people are aware of all the implications of the HUGE range of telephone numbers available to be rented or leased from the exchange. Yes you read that right ‘Rented or Leased’ Phone numbers are NOT available to be bought – no matter what any websites tell you.

0870 Numbers

0870 was the old ‘National Rate’ phone number prefix. It costs up to 11p a minute from a BT Landline or more from other providers plus a set up fee or connection charge. From a mobile dialling 0870 is classed as a ‘Special Rate’ and can cost from anywhere between 14p and 41p a minute! If you object to these numbers then there are ways around them, the best thing to do is it visit www.saynoto0870.com where you can look up the geographical alternative.

0842/0843/0844 Telephone Numbers

These 084X numbers are not currently regulated on pricing, which means there is a huge range of charging bands from between 1p to 8p per minute from a BT landline or more from other providers and a ‘Special Rate’ which is deemed as between 14p and 41p a minute from a mobile. Don’t forget, the set up, or connection charge too. Interesting to note that depending on the service provider and how the contract has been set up the business you are calling could be earning revenue on your call of up to 3p per minute

0845 Telephone Numbers

The 0845 type of number is frequently used by banks, insurance companies and sometimes by travel operators. These calls can be charged from between 1p to 8p per minute from a BT landline and more from other providers and a ‘Special Rate’ which is deemed as between 14p and 41p a minute from a mobile. Don’t forget the set up or connection charge too.



From June 2014 SOME of these 084X telephone numbers will be changed to 0345. This will depend largely on if the old 084X number is available within the 0345 range. The move to 0345 will mean that calls are included in inclusive minutes from landlines and mobiles.

It is important to note that if you currently have an 084X phone number and you provide a service or support to consumers you will need to comply with the upcoming legislation.

  •  Customers can demand a reimbursement for the charges applied to their phone bill.
  •  Brand damage and bad press due to the huge amount of media attention to this matter.
  •  Action can be taken by Trading standards. 

If you would like to discuss these upcoming changes and recommendations we have for managing them please get in touch by calling us – 01954 253770 or Emailing us


0800Telephone Numbers

0800 telephone number are free calls from landlines. They are NOT free calls from a mobile phone, they are not included in inclusive minutes and can cost up to 20p per minute with some networks. Some mobile operators have stopped charging for 0800 numbers but only to new customers and very few restricted tariffs. All mobile operators will have to stop charging from 2015.

 01 and 02 Telephone Numbers

These 01 and 02 numbers are standard geographic telephone numbers and relate to specific areas of the UK (being geeky about it they are Alphabetised too 012 includes A – C 01224 – Aberdeen 01233 – Ashford 01234 – Bedford 0121 – Birmingham 01223 – Cambridge 01227 Canterbury and so on) These types of number can now be cloud based. From a landline calls are typically up to 10p a minute but this can depend on the time of day, there is normally also a call set up fee.  Most providers offer call packages where calls are allowed free at certain times of the day.  From a mobile charges can be between 10p – 40p per minute – many providers offer huge bundles of calling time in minutes calls to geographic numbers are included in these minutes.

 03 Telephone Numbers

UK Wide geographic telephone numbers as an alternative to the expensive 08 numbers. Charges same as geographic and they are included in discounts and inclusive minutes

 030 Telephone Numbers

030 Telephone numbers were designed for not for profit organisations and charities and public bodies. Eg BBC, RSPCA, Oxfam, Ofcom and a number of Govt departments use these numbers. Calls cost no more than to geographic numbers and they must be included in discounts and inclusive minutes from landlines and mobiles.

Calls from landlines are typically charged up to 10p per minute and from mobiles between 10p – 40p a minute

Things to point out

We know that all this information can be baffling, but important things to point out are.

  •  If you have an 084X number you should be aware of changes that will affect you in June 2014
  •  If you are looking to start up a business and get a telephone number, be aware of what your callers might get charged.
  •  Geographic numbers can be cloud based, for example, someone in Durham could have London / Birmingham, Cambridge or infact anywhere telephone number.

If you need any advice about any of the above please don’t hesitate to get in touch.